Stephanie Young lives and works in Oakland. Her books of poetry are Picture Palace (in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni, 2008) and Telling the Future Off (Tougher Disguises, 2005). She edited Bay Poetics (Faux Press, 2006) and her most recent editorial project is Deep Oakland, co-curated with David Horton.

Meklit Hadero is a singer, musician, cultural activist and Resident Artist at the Red Poppy Art House. Born in Ethiopia, Meklit has lived in twelve cities and on three continents. Meklit has received commissions from the San Francisco Foundation Fund For Artists (for the ensemble Nefasha Ayer), the Brava Theater (for music for the world premier theater production, "Over the Mountain"), and Bay Area Friends of the Congo. This June, Meklit will be a de Young Museum Resident Artist, commissioned by the museum's Cultural Encounters Program. She is the recipient of a 2008 Individual Grant from the Belle Foundation for Arts and Culture. Currently, she is organizing a group of Ethiopian Diaspora artists from across North America to return to Ethiopia for a festival of traditional music at the end of this year. In December of 2007, Meklit released her first recording, titled "Eight Songs.
K. Silem Mohammad is the author of Breathalyzer (Edge Books, 2008), A Thousand Devils (Combo Books, 2004), and Deer Head Nation (Tougher Disguises, 2003). He edits the poetry magazine

Doors open @ 7
readings start by 730
your donations are appreciated!
At the last reading William and Aimee donated a lovely bottle of wine! Yay Billy and Aimee.
And many thank yous to all the people who donate dollars every month to keep the series free for others.