Readings start at 7:30pm. There will be snacks and liquids.
Friday June 1st with Amanda Nadelberg, and Shane Book
Amanda Nadelberg is the author of Isa the Truck Named Isadore (Slope Editions, 2006) and Bright Brave Phenomena (Coffee House Press, 2012) as well as a chapbook, Building Castles in Spain, Getting Married (The Song Cave, 2009). She lives in Oakland, California

Shane Book’s first collection, Ceiling of Sticks(University of Nebraska Press, 2010) won the Prairie Schooner Book Prize. He is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and was a Wallace Stegner Fellow in Poetry at Stanford University. His work has appeared in fifteen anthologies and over forty magazines in the U.S., U.K., and Canada—and on film. His honors include a New York Times Fellowship in Poetry, an Academy of American Poets Prize, and a National Magazine Award.